Submission Guidelines & Prohibited Content
Last Updated: OCTOBER 30, 2018
General Video Submission Guidelines
We would absolutely love it if you would upload some videos! The truth is, we can’t wait to see what you’ve got! But first, we do have some general suggestions and guidelines that we ask you to follow.
Suggested Guidelines
Add interesting and engaging titles, descriptions, thumbnails, and tags to you uploaded video to attract viewers. But we ask that you try and remain accurate, and not be misleading or click-batey.
Use teaser style, detailed, and concise descriptions, The kind that are interesting and engaging but not droll and worthy of finding it’s way into an instruction booklet.
Use eye-Catching thumbnails, choose an image from your video that accurately represents its contents and also grabs attention. But, once again, don’t be intentionally misleading, and don’t include images that would fall under our prohibited content detailed below.
Use tags, as many tags as you want, it will help people to find your video when searching.
Pick a channel. We can’t stress the benefits of picking a channel enough. At the launch of the site it is the only way your video will be included in a subscription feed, with an option to subscribe. In a future update it will allow you to more fully customize viewer experiences. But more importantly it will get more eyes on your band’s video. If your video fits more than one channel, choose one that applies most.
Prohibited Content has established clear rules detailing what type of content will, and will not be tolerated on our Web Site. Any prohibited content will be detailed below. We have also created accessible means of allowing anyone to notify us of users failure to comply with our content rules by implementing a report button underneath every submitted video on our Web Site. You may also contact us by email at syb[at]showyourband[dot]com (please include details of offending content such as video title and/or usernames).
Here is a list of prohibited content that will be removed from our website:
– child pornography
– dangerous or illegal acts (including but not limited to incitement to violence, animal abuse or illegal-drug abuse)
– unlawful, obscene, defamatory or libelous material; or
– any sexually explicit content (including but not limited to images of rape, bestiality, intercourse, masturbation, sadistic or masochistic abuse, explicit depiction of male or female genitalia or pubic areas, pedophilia or necrophilia).
Once again, a report button is located underneath every submitted video on our Web Site, or you may contact us by email at syb[at]showyourband[dot]com (including details of offending content such as video title and/or usernames).
Upon receipt of notice of content violations, operators will investigate the content in question and place it under review for removal from the website. Additionally appropriate authorities may be notified.
Last Updated: OCTOBER 30, 2018